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Date last updated: 28 june, 2024
This website is the property of Parfums CARON, S.A.S., a simplified joint-stock company with capital of €16 043 645, EU VAT no.: FR82 562 108 977, registered on the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 562 108 977 with registered office at 22 rue de l’Elysée, 75008 Paris, France (the ‘Company’).
The director of publication is Cynthia Tobiano.
These Website Terms and Conditions of Use describe the conditions under which you may access, use and register on our Website, either simply as a visitor or as a registered member.
By browsing on the website www.parfumscaron.com (‘Website’), you declare that you have read the Website Terms and Conditions of Use described below and acknowledge that by visiting the Website you agree to and undertake to observe them.
The Company will do its utmost to ensure that the information provided on its Website is reliable, accurate and up-to-date; however, all the information accessible via its website is provided as is.
The Company is not responsible for the accuracy of its website or errors or omissions contained on it, and does not give any explicit or implicit guarantee regarding this. You are solely responsible for the use of this information and you must take all the appropriate measures to protect your system and its content against the risks of intrusion in its system, data misuse or piracy or contamination by computer viruses.
The Company cannot be held liable for any damage whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, regardless of the causes, origins, types or consequences, caused by the access of anyone to the Website or the impossibility of accessing said Website, as well as the use of the website and/or the credit granted to any information emanating directly or indirectly from the latter.
You will not transmit any information on this Website that may incur civil or criminal liability and in this respect, you will not disclose via this Website any illegal information that is defamatory or contrary to public order, any information that may contain viruses or any computer program aiming to damage or illegally intercept any IT system, data or named information.
Websites outside the Company that have a hypertext link with this Website are not under the Company’s control, therefore it declines any liability regarding their content. Under no circumstances do these links to other websites constitute an approval or a partnership between the Company and this website; these sites are subject to their own terms and conditions of use and privacy protection policies.
The Company’s website is an intellectual work protected by Intellectual Property Law.
The trademarks, drawing, models, photographs, texts, illustrations, logos, sequences (whether or not animated and whether or not containing sound), graphics, etc. contained on this website are the exclusive property of Parfums CARON, its subsidiaries or third parties that have authorised the Company to reproduce and/or use them. No right of use shall be granted over any one of the intellectual property rights contained on the website. The Company reserves the right to take legal action in response to any violation of its intellectual property rights.
These Website Terms and Conditions of Use do not include any right to license or sell intellectual property rights relating to the elements of the Website that belong to the Company, for the user’s benefit.
Any use, full or partial reproduction/representation, adaptation or alteration of the Website or any of the elements it contains, of any nature whatsoever, on any medium whatsoever, is expressly forbidden, and may be sanctioned by Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
The Company reserves the right to modify, terminate, suspend or interrupt at any time, for any reason and at its sole discretion, access to all or part of the website, including, notably, the content, functionalities and hours of availability, without prior notice.
Access to certain parts or features of the Website requires the user to create an account. To create an account, you are asked to provide an email address and password that will enable you to log in. Each user is solely responsible for any use of the website made under their login credentials.
You can at any time request the deletion of your account by contacting the Company whose contact details are shown in the ‘Contact us’ tab.
The Company’s website is hosted by the company Shopify Inc. – 150 rue Elgin, bureau 800 Ottawa (Ontario) K2P 1L4 (Canada)
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